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Artist: George Benson

The following channels include songs by George Benson

Lite Hits Classics

Adult pop hits from the '80s through the '00s

1980s Hits

Top chart hits of the eighties

1970s Hits

The rock, pop, disco, and "one-hit wonders" that powered AM radio of the '70s

Classic Soul

The finest in Classic R&B and Soul music

1980s R&B

Prince, Janet, & Michael: R&B in the MTV age

Jazz Internationale

A "world" view on this great American export

1980s Jazz

Fusion and neo-bop, with Pat Metheny, Wynton Marsalis, and more

Nothin' But the Blues

Jazz interpretations of the classic twelve bar blues

Smooth Jazz

Smooth grooves and melodies perfect for relaxing or working

Smooth Jazz Instrumentals

Smooth Jazz without the vocals

Pure Jazz

The rich art of Jazz: classic and modern, vocal and instrumental

Smooth Jazz Vocals

Smooth Jazz + smooth voices

Instrument: Smooth Jazz Guitar

For guitar fans who like it smooth

Mellow Smooth Jazz

The perfect background Smooth Jazz

Broadway Jazz

Porter, Gershwin, Sondheim, and more, performed by Jazz legends

New School Jazz

Jazz after bop!

Beatles Plus: Just Covers

Nothing but covers of songs written by George, John and/or Paul

Composers: Pop music

A Jazz spin on rock and pop songs

Smooth Covers

Smooth Jazz renditions of well-known pop melodies

Composers: The Beatles

Jazz artists' take on John, Paul, George and Ringo

Slow Jams

Classic R&B ballads plus the hottest new slow jams

Jammin' Oldies

An upbeat, fun music mix from back in the day

The Step Channel

Dedicated to the classic Chicago dance style

Soul Classics '73 and Beyond

Soul evolves to funk and disco


The masters of swing rhythm and adventurous improvisation

Instrument: Jazz Guitar

Acoustic and electric Jazz guitar greats

Jazz Fusion

Groove jazz, jazz-rock, world fusion, and modern innovations

Vocal Jazz

Legendary Jazz singers and their signature songs

1960s Jazz

Post-bop, free jazz, and early fusion

Straight Ahead Jazz

The 'lingua franca' of the jam session: 4/4 time and walking bass

Big Band Jazz

The large ensemble sound

Groove Jazz

Funky and groovy!

Instrument: Organ Jazz

Organ Jazz masters old and new

Instrument: Trombone Jazz

Nothing but great Jazz trombone performances

1970s Jazz

When fusion was king, and the birth of the modern giants

1990s Jazz

Exciting new voices and elder statesmen in their later years

The Weather Channel

Songs ranging the entire meterological spectrum, from "Sunny" and "Walking on Sunshine" to "Soon ...

Smooth Jazz Sunday Brunch

Now, enjoy the mellow mood of Sunday morning -- anytime!

Jazz Love Songs

Romantic tunes in the Jazz tradition

Listeners' Top 100: Smooth Jazz

Our 100 highest-rated Smooth Jazz tracks

Feel Good '70s & '80s

Uptempo '70s and '80s pop hits

Jazz for Concentration

Work along to Jazz conducive to clear thinking

Jazz Burners

Burnin' fast jazz to motivate you. Nothing under 200 BPM!

Super-Mellow Instrumental Jazz

A soothing way to unwind from your day

Mellow Grooves Jazz

Bossa nova, slow funk jams, and ballads with a beat -- mellow jazz that won't put you to sleep

R&B Time to Chill

R&B for relaxing and unwinding

Rock the Yacht

Setting sail on a sea of smooth Yacht Rock grooves

25 Greatest Jazz Standards

Lots of versions of 25 tunes in every musician's repertoire


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